Tag Archives: Tolkien and Plants

Revised plans for this year

With short deadlines in all directions, I have had to revise my plans for the running of my courses, and while March remains unchanged, I have had to change the structure of Conspicuous Consumption. There will now be only 1 meeting in April and 1 in May, after which I have to take a writing sabbatical until the autumn when I intend to pick up the rest of the Conspicuous Consumption course. It will still run as 1 meeting per month, but all topics will be covered.

I am happy to say, however, that my article for Shakespeare Survey: ‘This insubstantial pageant faded: The Drama of Semiotic Anxiety in The Tempest’  is in the final stages of pre-publication.

I am also happy to say that my article on Tolkien’s use of plants in his works has been accepted by The Journal of Inklings Studies and is about to be fast-tracked into the April issue.

Progress on the book about Bevis and Southampton is slow but steady and throwing up some very interesting matters for further consideration. I am now updating my Bevis blog on a weekly basis.

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Filed under Research and voluntary work